01 The Seventh Direction
02 View From The Moon
03 Moral Hazard
04 Dark Matter
05 The Space Between Us
06 Z
07 Burning Sea Turtles
08 One To The Head
09 American Dream (CD only)
10 Ten Thousand Hours
11 Stray Bullet (CD only)
12 Democracy vs. The Machine
13 Johnny Otis
Need to restore your faith in Rock’n’Roll? Now take this! Stinking Lizaveta – a band so unique an special that there is neither no comparism nor any pidgeonholing possible to capture the special approach. Without speaking a single word, Stinking Lizaveta has achieved maximum narrative capacity with Seventh Direction. It’s what they always wanted and always did: tell stories. If they shouted their words at you, it wouldn’t be your story, now would it?
The album was produced by the great Sanford Parker of Engine Music Studios. Sanford has performed with Minsk, Buried At Sea and Nachtmystium and has engineered/produced the heaviest of all of us: Brutal Truth, Bible of the Devil, Bloodiest, Krieg, Lair of the Minotaur, Pelican, Rwake, Sweet Cobra and Unearthly Trance to name but a few.
He proves his versatility by capturing 7th Direction an album which defies categorization as Stinking Lizaveta always does with her ability to span emotional range and style.